Meet the team responsible for developing a hub for women’s rights organizations. In this preliminary meeting, the NoVo Foundation gathered various professionals from different women’s organizations and members of the women’s rights community together to discuss what the Women’s Building should be. They plan to turn the former women’s prison into a space where organizations have access to the support and resources they need, including gallery space for public meetings and organizational support services for women’s rights groups. Jennifer Buffet, co-president of the foundation states, “The Women’s Building will demonstrate what’s possible when the potential of girls and women is nurtured rather than locked away. A physical home for the women’s rights movement, in a city that already serves as a global hub for advocates, activists, community leaders, service providers, and policymakers, could be a model for the world. The metamorphosis will create a place where organizations advocating for the rights of girls and women can pool resources, share ideas, and strengthen connections with one another.” Through this vision, the group of professionals in the video below discuss ideas and necessities for the building:
NV from shhhhwarma on Vimeo.