Please take the time to visit our sister project, Incorrigibles. The Prison Public Memory Project started out working with communities to unearth the history of local prisons, to imagine what could replace an institution once it closes, and to document and preserve the memories of those who were incarcerated and who worked at these facilities.
Working in Hudson we realized that there was a need for a sister project that focused specifically on the history – and present – of young women’s incarceration. Thus Incorrigibles was born, a transmedia project that tells the stories of ‘incorrigible’ girls in the United States over the last 100 years – beginning with New York State. Drawing on the personal narratives of young women in “the system”, the work investigates the history and present state of juvenile justice and social services for girls.
Archival documents from the New York State Training School for Girls (1904-1975) were the inspiration and instigation for this project. At Incorrigibles, we record and share accounts of women alive today who were confined at institutions for girls and women. We organize community engagement events to encourage critical analysis of youth detention and behavioral intervention. And the project works with self-identified girls to reclaim the language used to define and confine them/us.
We hope you will visit us there as well!