Peter Tenerowicz, a lifelong resident of Hudson, NY, worked as a corrections officer (prison guard) at the Hudson Correctional Facility between 1981 and 2008. He was interviewed by oral historian Suzanne Snider on November 19th, 2011. In this part of the interview, Mr. Tenerowicz describes his memories of the town and village of Hudson when he was a child, what the medium security prison for men was like as a workplace for him, and how the prison contributes to the lives of people incarcerated there and to the community.
1 comment
susan lankford says:
Apr 29, 2012
Great interview. As a doc film producer, author of Maggots in My Sweet Potatoes: women doing time…. as well as BORN, NOT RAISED: voices from juvenile hall… I love the kind and real nature of this interviewee. There seems to be an humane example of incarceration in Hudson with pride in the work the inmates do for the town.